If you missed the talk, here is the video of the event! Don’t miss this one.
How to Run for Office

Come to “Don’t Run for Cover: Run for Office” and learn how to run and win an election.
Speakers include:

Lisa Dullum, Tippecanoe County Council District 4 Member
Lisa Dullum is one of two Democrats elected to the Tippecanoe County Council for the first time in 24 years.She has helped other successful local campaigns with strategy, marketing materials, and fundraising, including in 2019 when Democrats gained 3 seats on the West Lafayette City Council, resulting in an 8-1 majority. Prior to politics she worked for 18 years in marketing selling the #1 printer brand worldwide. She has an MBA from UCLA, an MS in engineering from the University of Illinois, and is president of Greater Lafayette Indivisible.

Steve Durbin

Kathy Parker
Brian Hall
Chris Campbell
Sheila Klinker