Official Statement on Vandalism at Unitarian Universalist Church

In the very wise words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Let’s remember to love.

Official Statement on Vandalism at Unitarian Universalist Church
West Lafayette, IN:

On January 20, the Unitarian Universalist Church in West Lafayette generously sponsored the first Greater Lafayette Resistance Fair. Over the course of an afternoon, we heard from speakers on topics including:  LGBTQ rights, immigrant rights, women’s rights, civil rights, and voter rights. We discussed ways to get involved to build a more just, equal, and participatory society. These are goals and values that we proudly share with so many in this great community.

This morning, the Unitarian Universalist Church was vandalized with white supremacist language including direct threats of violence. We extend our sympathy and solidarity to those exposed to this abject bigotry and we recognize that the structural issues underpinning bigotry run much deeper than individuals who attempt to intimidate our churches, nonprofit organizations, and community under cover of night. We will continue to work to ensure our country lives up to its ideals, including equality for all.

We are pleased that Mayor Dennis has condemned this behavior and that the proper authorities are investigating.

Greater Lafayette Resistance Fair

Facebook Event Page

Greater Lafayette Indivisible is hosting a Resistance Fair with the theme “Get Involved. Be Informed. Find Your Place.” The fair, which marks the end of the first year of the Trump presidency, will feature speakers discussing the damaging effects of the administration on a wide range of issues, including healthcare, immigrant rights, and foreign policy. The fair will include food, drinks, and activities as well as an opportunity for the public to learn about local organizations. The event is free and open to the public. Guests are encouraged to bring canned goods to support the local Food Finders Food Bank.

Event Handout:

Direct link to PDF:

Groups in attendance include:

Greater Lafayette Indivisible

Greater Lafayette Immigrant Allies

Greater Lafayette Progressives

Women’s March on Washington – Lafayette

Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense in America

Common Cause

Greater Lafayette ACLU

Pride Lafayette

Racial Reconciliation of Greater Lafayette

Citizens’ Climate Lobby

NAACP – Lafayette/West Lafayette

Campaign for Hoosier Families and LUM Immigration clinic


Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS)

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)

Greater Lafayette Indivisible is a local 501c(4) non-partisan organization committed to civic engagement as a way to promote participatory democracy. Our goals include holding our elected officials accountable to constituents rather than to their national political party or outside interests, increasing voter participation, and promoting justice, equality and inclusion. GLI is one of almost 6000 local groups in the national Indivisible movement fighting for health coverage, registering American voters, and demystifying congressional advocacy.

Open Enrollment is Open!

We are trying to get the word out about healthcare. We are fighting for it, so let’s utilize it. Open enrollment is open right now, so let’s help people get covered!


NOVEMBER 1, 2017

Open Enrollment is the period when people can shop for insurance

through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces, and either

renew their old plan or sign up for a new one. Last year, 8 out of 10

people who signed up for coverage qualified for financial assistance,

which meant they could find premiums between $50 and $100 per

month. For most people, if they miss the Open Enrollment period,

they will be without health insurance in 2018.




Please see this website for more info: or



Great! What about your friends and family? Help spread the word

by sharing this information. Your loved ones may not know that

affordable options are available to them, and it’s better to be covered

if something unexpected happens. By making sure word gets out

about Open Enrollment, you can protect the health and financial

wellness of the people you care about most.