Lafayette Resistance Fair 2019 Videos and Packet

Sorry about the lag time! We found the editor asleep (for months, we guess?) under a desk and told him to get back to work. So, now we have all the great videos for your viewing pleasure. Check out this playlist! There is lots of great content and things to learn. What was your favorite?

Never Again is Now Rally

Never Again is Now rally. We are so grateful to be a part of an activist community, and a broader community, who stands up against such injustice at the border. Please call your reps and demand this ends. Also, check out all the groups shown.

Persistence Picnic 2019

Join us for our 2nd annual Persistence Picnic! This is a great opportunity to meet members and local activists as we look forward to the 2019 local elections.

This isn’t just a social event! We’re also going to register voters at Columbian Park. 😉

This is a pitch-in! We’re providing the main dishes; please consider pitching in a side dish or drink!

Sign-up to pitch-in at