Working Hoosiers Vote Week of Action: May 11 – May 17 |

Nobody should have to choose between their safety and exercising their right to vote. That’s why the Working Hoosiers Vote Coalition is holding a week of Action from May 11 – 17 to encourage all registered voters to request an absentee ballot by May 21 to vote by mail in the June 2 Indiana Primary Election. We’re taking action to make sure people know they can apply online at indianavoters.com, or by the paper form delivered by mail, by hand, by fax, or by email. There are so many actions we can all take this week. Join us and help keep our communities safe by voting by mail. Every day during the week of action organizations will be providing information or holding online or socially distant actions to encourage voters to request an absentee ballot to vote by mail. In addition to the daily actions, You can help us at any point by amplifying our message on Facebook and Instagram using these sample posts! Working Hoosiers are already on the front lines of the COVID crisis, and shouldn’t have to further put themselves in harm’s way to exercise their voting rights. Request an absentee ballot by May 21, 2020 to safely vote by mail in the primaries. Go to indianavoters.in.gov. #workingHoosiersvote #votinginthetimeofcorona No one should have to choose between safety and voting. Request your absentee ballot before May 21, 2020 at 11:59pm and receive your vote-by-mail ballot before the June primary. #workingHoosiersvote #votinginthetimeofcorona I’m joining #WorkingHoosiersVote during this Week of Action to encourage registered voters to request an absentee ballot. Protect the health and safety of voters, poll workers, and front-line workers by safely casting your primary vote by mail. #workingHoosiersvote #votinginthetimeofcorona Democracy doesn’t stop for a pandemic, and we’re not taking any chances. Join Working Hoosiers Vote for a Week of Action from May 11 – 15 and help us get all Hoosiers prepared to safely vote by mail in the Indiana primary #workingHoosiersvote #votinginthetimeofcorona Engage the member organizations of the Working Hoosiers Vote Coalition by following us and tagging our pages with your messages: On Instagram: @ywtf_lala, @lafayetteindivisible, @g.l.i.a, and @surj_lala On Twitter: @YWTFLaLa, @SURJ_lala, @gliallies, and @LafIndivisible. On Facebook: SURJ Greater Lafayette, Greater Lafayette Immigrant Allies, Younger Womens Task Force of Greater Lafayette, Greater Lafayette Indivisible |