This is our chance!

Let’s face it: Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan aren’t going to hold Donald Trump accountable. Todd Rokita isn’t suddenly going to grow a spine.

So we need to hold them accountable this November up and down the ballot.

We need to canvas neighborhoods. Get out the vote. Arrange transportation to take voters to the polls. Continue hosting events like the Resistance Fair.

To do so, we are asking for your support. Local Indivisible chapters like ours do not receive funding from the national group, and we don’t have deep-pocketed donors like the Kochs. We rely on donations from people in our community that, like us, simply will not abide four years of Donald Trump with a rubber-stamp Congress.

We are trying to raise $3,000 before the May 8th primary.

Can we count on your support?

This is our chance. Our opportunity to shock the system with voter turnout levels this area has never seen. Let’s make this a November to remember.

Yours in resistance,

Greater Lafayette Indivisible

Resistance Fair Speaker Videos

Hey everyone!

The Resistance Fair went fantastic and it was great to see some of you there. If you were unable to attend we have compiled a playlist of all the talks given.

We were grateful to have so many great speakers give their time to talk about a diverse collection of topics.

Are you looking for ways you can help but just don’t have the time? You can now help by contributing online!

Greater Lafayette Indivisible is completely volunteer run. Your donation will help pay for organizing costs — things like meeting room rental, posters, art supplies, clipboards, transportation, and events like the Resistance Fair.

Please consider donating:

Official Statement on Vandalism at Unitarian Universalist Church

In the very wise words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Let’s remember to love.

Official Statement on Vandalism at Unitarian Universalist Church
West Lafayette, IN:

On January 20, the Unitarian Universalist Church in West Lafayette generously sponsored the first Greater Lafayette Resistance Fair. Over the course of an afternoon, we heard from speakers on topics including:  LGBTQ rights, immigrant rights, women’s rights, civil rights, and voter rights. We discussed ways to get involved to build a more just, equal, and participatory society. These are goals and values that we proudly share with so many in this great community.

This morning, the Unitarian Universalist Church was vandalized with white supremacist language including direct threats of violence. We extend our sympathy and solidarity to those exposed to this abject bigotry and we recognize that the structural issues underpinning bigotry run much deeper than individuals who attempt to intimidate our churches, nonprofit organizations, and community under cover of night. We will continue to work to ensure our country lives up to its ideals, including equality for all.

We are pleased that Mayor Dennis has condemned this behavior and that the proper authorities are investigating.