It is on this Memorial Day that we remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. As we remember those who gave their lives, let us not forget the values and freedoms they fought for.
Primary Voting and IN-4 Candidates’ Town Hall and Forum Video!
Here is the video from the event we held on April 30th. Firstly, thank you to everyone who came out to see it live and who watched on the livestream (or listened, the video cut out part way through leaving just the audio. Sorry! We will do better next time!) Also, thanks to the candidates, Tobi Beck and Joe Mackey for taking the time to sit down and answer questions with us. Lastly, but absolutely not least thank you to Greater Lafayette Progressives for co-hosting the event with us. The event couldn’t possibly happen without all their efforts.
If you don’t early vote remember primary election day is
The main reason for all this is voting! Your voice matters and you can use it right now as early voting in Indiana is open! Here is a list of all the early voting locations in Tippecanoe county.
Finally, our least favorite thing to do. Everything we do is volunteer based. We receive no money from outside sources, parties, or PACs. We are entirely funded by our membership and donors such as yourselves. If you’d like to see more events like this (because we’d love to keep putting them on) please consider donating a few dollars. Every amount counts and it can go a long way in improving the function and quality of our efforts.
Thank you, and go vote!
438 Days Later
At 2:35am ET on November 9th, 2016 the Associated Press projected Donald Trump as the winner of Wisconsin’s ten electoral votes, pushing him past 270.
A con man and reality TV star had just been elected to the most powerful office of the most powerful nation on earth. As Trump himself said, “When you’re a star…you can do anything.”
Do you remember how the next day felt? How about inauguration day?
It has been 438 days since Donald Trump assumed office. The daily chaos that emanates from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is a product of the man himself: disorganized, dishonest, and disgusting. Over time he gives in to his worst impulses more frequently until for some this starts to feel like a new normal.
This is not normal. Nothing about the past 438 days has been normal. From the disastrous attempts to bar Muslims from the country to the near-passage of “Trumpcare”, the current administration has been kept from enacting its worst policies by the direct action of coordinated groups of people–like Indivisible.
It’s time to send a message that emanates from our community, our city, our district that reverberates all the way to Congress, the White House, Mar-a-Lago, and Moscow. To do so, we need your help.
This year we are registering voters, canvassing neighborhoods, holding meetings, planning events, and laying the groundwork locally to ensure that our voices are being heard and elected officials are being held accountable.
We have a goal of raising $3000 before the May 8th primary to fund events, voter registration drives, and awareness campaigns. We need your help. Please consider making a donation to support our fundraising drive.
We remember how it felt on that November day. We know how it has felt every day since.
And we aren’t going away.
Yours in resistance,
Greater Lafayette Indivisible